Physical Address
203 Agricultural Communications
Lincoln, NE 68588-0912
PO Box 94942
Lincoln, NE 68509-4942


Executive Committee Meeting

Friday, August 21, 2020
11:00 am12:00 pm

Topic: Nebraska FFA Foundation Board Executive Committee. This is a monthly meeting that includes the board officers (EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE) and reports to the executive committee from: HBE (CHAD, MOLLY) FFA Foundation (STACEY) and FFA Association staff (FFA Staff as available).
Click here to join meeting: join by phone: 1 408 638 0968 Meeting ID: 402 472 5846

Standing Agenda:
1.HBE Report of Financials
Review and Approve FY 20-21 Budget

2.FFA Foundation Staff Reports
(Stacey and other staff as needed)

3. FFA Association Reports - Sarah, or Donnie or Jeff (as available)

4.Officer Reports - Vernon, Glenn, Jennifer, Kyle

If you have questions or additions to this agenda, please contact Stacey. If you are not able to join, please contact Stacey.