Kaden Van Winkle loves anything to do with the outdoors. As a member of the Tri-County FFA Chapter, he wanted to create a Supervised Agricultural Experience that would allow him to share his passion and knowledge with those outside of rural Nebraska.
In August 2020, he launched his YouTube channel, KVW Outdoors, with the intention of recording, editing, and producing outdoor content that is fun, educational, and engaging. Kaden takes his viewers through adventures in fishing, hunting, and trapping while sharing insights and tips or tricks along the way.
Last year, Kaden received an SAE Grant from the Nebraska FFA Foundation to help him further his project. As a small, solo creator, he invested the grant funding to purchase new, state-of-the-art recording equipment. The new equipment has helped him expand his filming capabilities by producing higher-quality content and decreasing the amount of time spent editing. Throughout the years, he has produced 81 videos, plus he has increased viewing time and subscribers to his channel.
Kaden says, “I have taken every agriculture class offered at my school, including natural resources which focus on aquatics, range plants, and wildlife. I have connected my experiences growing up hunting and fishing with my dad to be an advocate for the outdoors. I have learned to use social media for marketing and building relationships with new customers from my SAE.”
He has improved agricultural and digital literacy skills alongside refined creative thinking, problem-solving, and writing skills that are increasingly valuable in many agricultural careers. Kaden has found a unique way to connect classroom learning with hands-on experiences and have fun in the process! Be sure to check out Kaden’s YouTube Channel, KVW Outdoors!