Physical Address
203 Agricultural Communications
Lincoln, NE 68588-0912
PO Box 94942
Lincoln, NE 68509-4942


Embracing Nature and Community: Reece’s Journey of Passion

Reece Kocian is a sportsman and credits outdoor recreation and hunting as influences for identifying his future career.

Reece Kocian is a senior from the East Butler FFA Chapter. Reece’s life is a whirlwind of activity, with a jam-packed schedule involving academics, sports, community service, and several part-time jobs. Despite a lack of free time, Reece manages to excel in multiple areas and finds everything he does purposeful. What sets Reece apart from many students is his deep connection with nature and his community. Coming from a farming background, he values our natural resource. He has a keen interest in hunting and fishing, which allows him to experience the beauty of the outdoors firsthand.

One of the most remarkable aspects of Reece's life is his extensive involvement in his Supervised Agricultural Experience (SAE) projects. He is currently juggling six different projects, showing his exceptional work ethic and commitment. These projects include lawn care, taxidermy, trapping, outdoor recreation, a game bird business with his grandpa, and assisting on the family farm. Each SAE project holds a special place in his heart and contributes to his personal growth and future aspirations.

Reece plays a significant role at the Oak Creek Sporting Club. His love for shooting clay drove him to seek employment there. Throughout his time at the club, he became a registered field guide, and helped build and facilitate a training facility for hunting dogs. Through Reece's connections at the Oak Creek Sporting Club, he saw an opportunity for an additional SAE that shows his dedication to family traditions. Reece joined his grandfather by helping him with his game bird business where they raise various game birds and supply them to dog trainers and businesses like the Oak Creek Sporting Club. These kinds of connections helped build Reece’s confidence. He shares, “As I started to get to know people I’ve really gotten the opportunity to be a leader”.  

In addition to working on the game bird business, Reece helps his dad and grandpa with their family farming operation. Due to his access to farmland, Reece found that trapping was another opportunity to gain experience with natural resources. He mainly focuses on the raccoon and coyote populations that pose a threat to local wildlife. His well-rounded experience in farming and trapping has been an essential part of his SAE development.

Throughout his journey with these SAE projects, Reece has learned valuable life lessons and found a sense of belonging and community. If Reece could offer any advice to current FFA members, it would be to “Serve others, because you get a lot more benefit than just helping yourself.” His FFA advisor, who also happens to be his mother, has played a significant role in supporting and encouraging him throughout his journey. By being involved with FFA Reece has taken advantage of opportunities that have provided value to him by allowing him to grow his work ethic and create connections within the community he loves.