The Waverly FFA Chapter has been a part of the I Believe in the Future of Ag campaign for 11 years. They’ve continued to participate in this campaign because it provides a great way for community members to support Waverly FFA without having to buy products from fundraisers.
This year, the funds raised by Waverly FFA’s 14 middle school and 46 high school members will go toward helping those who attend the National FFA Convention in the fall.
The I Believe in the Future of Ag campaign runs alongside the chapter’s fall fundraisers. “Some folks want to help us but don’t want or need what we’re selling,” said Kris Spath, Waverly FFA Advisor. Waverly also has a donate button on their website linked to the Nebraska FFA Foundation, allowing people to find the chapter and donate. All donors are invited to Waverly FFA’s annual banquet.
The I Believe in the Future of Ag campaign relies on the generous contributions of sponsors to support local FFA chapters. Thanks to these donations, students like those at Waverly gain access to valuable opportunities that foster learning and leadership development.